Matrices are taught frequently in Algebra 2 and/or PreCalculus and are such an important and useful tool in solving problems. I’ve been creating several activities lately to teach matrices so I thought I really should share my favorites!
1. Guided Notes for Matrices: Like always, I like to introduce topics with organized guided notes. This unit begins with a review of systems of equations, followed by ALL THINGS MATRICES (operations, determinants, inverses), then how to use matrices to solve systems of equations (Cramer’s Rule, using Inverse Matrices, Gauss Elimination, and Gauss-Jordan Elimination). Along with guided notes, there are also homework assignments, reviews, and assessments. Pretty much everything you need to put together the framework of your unit.

2. Multiplying Matrices Cut and Paste Activity: Multiplying matrices is TOUGH! Even I get confused. This is something that I just had to keep practicing to get right. In this activity, students find the product of the matrices, then paste them onto the template using the sum of the elements in their result.

3. Determinants of Matrices Pyramid Sum Puzzle: Pyramid Sum Puzzles are no doubt one of my favorite activities. In this activity, students find the determinant of a series of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices. Then arrange them on the template so that the determinant of each matrix is the sum of the two determinants directly above it.

4. Determinants & Inverse Matrices Math Lib: This is my newest activity and honestly my favorite for this unit. Students will review both determinants and inverse matrices with this fun “Math Lib” activity. It’s the perfect 10-question review of these important concepts. At the end of the activity, they will reveal a funny fictional story about one of their teachers.

5. All About Matrices Flip Book: This “all-in-one” review is the perfect end of unit review to touch base on everything with matrices. Students enjoy having everything in one place and it works great as an additional study reference for students.

Matrices are tedious, for sure. Hopefully these resources make your matrices unit much easier!
Gina Wilson
All Things Algebra
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