How do you review at the end of the year? I typically use review packets with mini-quizzes to help my students prepare for testing. I find that this helps chunk the material and gives students a chance to master each a set of topics before moving on to the next. I have done this routine for many years and it has proved to be really successful. I have review packets and mini-quizzes for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. Click below to check them out.
How else do you review? The review packets and quizzes work well, but I’ve found balancing them with other activities helps keep students better engaged. By combining several topics into one activity, students get the extra review they need, but seem to notice it less because they are more active. I like to incorporate flip books, math libs, station activities, coloring activities, and more. Here are some of my favorites:
Another idea? Take any one of my game templates and type in your own review questions. These are my students most favorite games!
Looking for more ideas? I asked my friends to share their ideas for end of year review activities. Check them out below!

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