Special thanks to Nicole Garcia, CMO of Most Craft for writing this post!
I first connected with Nicole when she shared a mnemonic with me: “Follow One Course Until Successful. FOCUS. She shared that her son deals with severe ADHD and ADD. She wrote: “He can lose attention on a task in a split second and it often takes time to get him back on track. That’s why we started using the FOCUS acronym to help him. When he starts to wander, we say, ‘focus!’ and he immediately knows to follow one course until successful.” I asked her to write for us and am so grateful that she did. If you are interested in the subtypes of ADHD, Nicole says that her recommended activities would likely be great for types 1-3. Happy reading and be sure to check out Nicole’s fantastic website!
Please note this post contains an account of Nicole’s experience as a mom, and NOT medical advice. Always consult your medical professionals when it comes to medical conditions.
Misconceptions in the past had children that were diagnosed with ADHD or another learning disability written off kids who’d never be able to learn — both in schooling and common sense. This is not only incorrect, but also hurtful to those children who were told that just because their brain retained, filtered, and processed information in a different manner, they would not be able to complete their schooling or they would have to take “easier” courses in order to graduate on time. It was these misconceptions that contributed to the stigma that arises when a person hears that a child was diagnosed with ADHD.
A Closer Look
Thankfully, and luckily, numerous studies have granted the public with the information to defuse and dispute this stigma. A child who has ADHD will learn differently, that much is true, but they can still learn and manage their time wisely when the right learning tools are implemented into their daily routine.
These learning tools can range from mathematical skills presented in a different way, hands-on crafts that are tailored to their inquisitive minds, and reading a combination of self-practice and audio accompaniments.
One great program that has arisen in recent years that showed a positive result when it came to children with ADHD was the FOCUS learning program. Let’s find out more about it, shall we?
FOCUS is a comprehensive learning program designed to take children beyond the classroom and traditional learning to focus more on self-awareness, life skills, and transferable skills that will enable them to succeed in all areas of their life. This program inspires children to take risks and step outside their comfort zone in an area that has coaches, instructors, and more to help guide the way to success.
You + Your Child = Team
One of the most important things to remember when it comes to raising a kid with ADHD is that you are all part of a team and teamwork often brings about the best results. Teamwork gives your child the skills they need to focus on the task at hand because they aren’t responsible for the entire task, but instead, a portion of it. They have a trusted person they can turn to for advice that will listen to their concerns, and will guide them through the process for whatever it is that they are doing.
G.W.T.F stands for Go with the Flow and it is one of the greatest tools in your arsenal when it comes to a child with ADHD. It is also a great tool in their arsenal when this concept can be applied to their daily life. Going with the flow means their day is structured to a point but flextime is built in for when they are not in the “zone” or they are having a rougher day. Going with the flow allows these things to happen and the parent doesn’t allow this to stress them (or their kid) out. When the parent, teacher, or guardian is stressed and flustered; your kid can sense this which increases their anxiety. This increased anxiety will increase their hyperactivity as they seek to dispel these uneven emotions coursing through their bodies.

ADHD Kid-Friendly Crafts
The use of arts and crafts for managing children with ADHD has shown some amazing and positive results. The use of art therapy offers children the space and room they need to express their emotions, release some excess energy, and increase their confidence through accomplishment.
Not all arts and crafts would be kid-friendly though when dealing with these special circumstances because these children do not have the attention span needed to complete complex and intricate projects. Those that require a steady hand and laser focus (such as beading) would not be a good fit.
Instead, try these kid-friendly crafts:
- Finger painting collages – finger painting has been a favorite of kids for generations and what kid doesn’t enjoy the chance to get messy? Let your child choose their colors and give them a blank piece of easel paper. They will have the chance to expel their excess energy and create a unique piece of art.
- Scribbling – there is a reason that scribbling or doodling is so therapeutic. It is because you don’t need to continuously focus your mind on the drawing but instead, it is more whatever subconsciously comes to mind or what your hand wants to draw.
- Circle weaving – circle weaving is the type of craft that requires focus and constant repetition. It allows the kid to create a beautiful piece of art while following instructions and repetitive movements which calm the mind, soothe anxiety, and bring a sense of peace to your child.
When it comes to raising a child with ADHD, it doesn’t have to be a struggle and it doesn’t have to be something that causes you sleepless nights; it simply means that you now have to change up the traditional way of learning and try something new.
Using specially designed programs, such as the FOCUS learning program, gives both the child and the parents the tools they need to succeed in life while maneuvering a learning disability. Completing arts and crafts that are better suited for your child will increase their chances of success and when they witness their accomplishment? They learn self-confidence through the feeling of, “yes, I can do this!”
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